Sunday, April 13, 2008

First blog...

Why am I blogging? Well, a total of four of my friends now have blogs on some site or other, and I figured I'd start my own.. However, as I was browsing through the various blogs on this site I realized that I have nothing even slightly interesting to say about anything, really, in comparison.

I'm not embarking on some journey to find myself. I'm not following the success of a new business or a new home. I don't have a growing family to talk about. I don't have a goal I'm trying to achieve. I just have a lot of free time, and a want to write about something, anything, to keep my mind busy.

So, although I have nothing particularly engrossing to write about, I will be updating this blog quite frequently. By 'frequently' I mean multiple times a week. Sometimes, even, multiple times a day.

In the meantime, DFTBA.


Mr P said...

Bah silly Ill read whatever you write even if its random blah blahs lol! And well most of my time is spent doing that here lol!